Sunday, March 21, 2010

Social media

In my business I need to get attention about the products my company sells. Also I need to get information from the customers what are their pain points so that we'd know what products and services to concentrate on. And how we could serve them better. In order to achieve that, I started to read about social media, reading books published in 2009 about Blogs, Twitter, Wiki and Branding. I've had this Blog from 2005, but back then it was more of sharing one interesting issue with others, not something ment to be supporting any business goals. Now it was time to go further and start to learn how to use these tools to get noticed and to be different from the competitors.

I created Twitter account @DimiDoukas and started to use it. I think it's like mini Facebook and mobile SMS combined. It's a good way to follow interesting people and companies. I haven't created any Twitter accounts for business yet. I'm more like testing the concept with personal account first to learn more how to use it and how to combine different social medias together, like Blogs and Twitter. It's surprising and almost overwhelming how many different tools you have nowdays that you can use for letting your customers know more about you and your company, and to get immediate feedback from them. To follow and update my Twitter with my Nokia E71 (S60) phone, I bought Gravity software, which is one of the most versatile tool I could find. It costed 10 EUR which is about 14 USD and can be found in or through Nokia OVI shop from your phone's web browser

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